Hiring CTO or VP of Engineering - Remote/Ownership - Start-up in Analog IC Design

🔔 Hiring CTO or VP of Engineering for a Start-up. Ownership - own this early stage company with original stocks! Remote! Build your own team in California or anywhere in the US near your own home! ✅ Need all level of engineering professionals in Analog IC Design. ✅ Connect with me to advance your career in high tech industry! ✅ Follow MichelleYouBiz.com - Jobs at Tech Companies in the US for new job opportunities! Connect with Michelle You to Advance Your Career in High Tech Industry! Detailed job description is coming soon. Please contact me for more details if you're interested in this job. Join me on LinkedIn for new opportunities in high tech industry. #hiring #team #CTO , #VP #Engineering #newjobs #analogdesign #analoglayout #analog #icdesign #remotejobs #remoteopportunity #engineeringjobs #startupjobs #michelleyoubiz #executivesea...